Do you often feel overwhelmed with the thought of starting your career?
How am I going to do this, where do I start, how am I going to advance and grow, what do I really want to do, how do I build a network… The list goes on!
We have all been there!
Here are some pieces of advice every millennial should read to advance and be confident in their careers!
Think of your Career as a series of experiences
It’s imperative for you to collect experiences throughout your career to ensure you are a life-long learner. Being a life long learner will help you make an impact, succeed and feel accomplished! When you have different roles, different employers, different co-workers and team environments, you learn an abundance about yourself and what you’re capable of.
NEVER Settle for a job you’re not passionate about
Life is too short to settle for a career you hate! And no one wants to pay someone if all they want to do is pay the bills and receive a pay check every Thursday! Employers want to hire someone who is passionate and willing to go above and beyond to succeed. And the only way you will have the drive to go above and beyond is to be passionate about what you do.
Focus on making a big impact immediately
The quicker you make an impact the more attention & support you will get! Learn as much as possible, try to master your job ASAP and work your butt off to prove yourself as fast as you can. This will help you to be recognised as a valuable asset in your company.
Take Risks Early & Often
Without taking risks, you can’t grow and get ahead. When you take a risk, you put yourself in a position to learn and you demonstrate to your superiors that you are willing to take risks to make things happen.
Spend More time with people than Technology
Millennials are often so infatuated with their technology that they don’t understand the value of creating relationships in person as opposed to online. Soft skills are far more valued in a company, so it’s important to switch off from your technology and actually communicate with people in person.
Measure Work Outcomes and build case-studies.
One thing which stands out to recruiters (& not in a good way) is that student resumes all look identical; stock standard sections like education, experience & school activities all made to look incredible. However recruiters these days don’t want this ‘marketing fluff’ that makes worthless tasks look phenomenal. They are looking for outcomes and numeric impact you’re having on a company through your work ( increasing revenue, decreasing costs ). Always think about measuring your projects and keeping track of results as this provides real justification when you are in a job interview or writing a resume.
Sacrifice Today to Position Yourself for Tomorrow.
Unfortunately you can’t have everything you want NOW! You have to work hard to put yourself in a better position in the future. This means making some sacrifices and putting the extra mile into building your career and getting yourself ahead of your competition (other students!). The more you do in your earlier career, the more it will pay off later in life.
Travel as much as you can to learn about different cultures and languages
We live in a global market place and companies are looking to expand and hire the best talent, regardless of location. The more you have travelled and experienced different countries and cultures, the better you will be able to take advantage of the marketplace.
Find mentors who live your desired lifestyle.
Yes any mentor is fantastic, but if you can, it’s important to find a mentor that lives the lifestyle you desire. This way you both understand each other and your mentor can map out exactly what you need to do to get where they are.