How to Plunge a Toilet
Wouldn’t it be great if you could solve some of your toilet troubles by yourself, instead of having to pay for an unnecessary plumbing bill! Well this could be possible! Plunging a toilet can be done by a professional plumber, but guess what… It can also be done by you! All you have to do is read our guide on how to plunge a toilet and you’ll be right as rain!
Just a pre-face though, sometimes a plunge won’t solve all problems, even for plumbers! There can be some underlying problems that a plunger isn’t strong enough for… This is where we come in!
Step-By-Step guide on How to Plunge a Toilet:
Step 1. Check the water level.
Ensure there is water sitting in the toilet bowl; Ideally enough to cover the brim of the plunger cup.
Step 2. Ensure the flange of the plunger is completely pulled out from the cup.
Firstly, the flange needs to be fully pulled out from cup. Once this is the case, lower and place the plunger into the toilet bowl, but do so at an angle so that the cup fills with as much water and as little air as possible. Lock this in, trapping the water (and as little air as possible).
Step 3. Fit the cup over the toilet drain hole.
Fit the cup over the toilet drain hole so the flange is inside the drain hole. The cup acts and forms a complete seal around the surrounding of the drain hole.
Step 4. Use the handle, push down on the cup.
Grip the plunger handle in both of your hands, as this will allow you to produce more force. With force, push down on the cup. You are then going to pull the cup up, but will do so without breaking the cups seal around the hole. Perform this up-down motion about five times and then release the cup off with the final thrust.
You will then reposition the cup and repeat this motion as needed until the bowl empties itself.
Step 5. Set the plunger side and remove the tank lid.
Locate the flapper at the bottom of the tank. Flush the toilet.
Step 6. Assess the flush.
If the toilet flushes normally… Congratulations, you have success! You can pop the lid back on the tank.
If the toilet is still clogged and not functioning as it should be, you may need to call a professional, as it could mean there is an underlying, more troubling problem that needs greater attention.
See the plumbing tools every home should have (hint… a plunger is one of them!)
See the plumbing problems your shouldn’t try to fix yourself