You’ve Talked, We Listened!
Here are some frequently asked plumbing questions we continue to get asked!
How Often should a hot water system be serviced
Hot Water Units can have a lifespan of 10-12 years (even up to 20 years!). However to ensure that this estimated lifespan is reached, it is important to service and maintain the unit. It’s important to check the relief valves are still functioning every few months and we recommended replacing the valves every 5 years to ensure the unit lasts as long as possible. Need a new Hot Water Unit? See our comparisons here!
Why does my toilet keep running and what can I do about it?
A running toilet is annoying to say the least! This is usually a result of a broken or faulty flush valve which needs to be replaced. The chain in the tank could also be causing you grief! If too long, it can quiet easily get caught under this flush valve. Give us a call; our plumbers aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty!
Are chemical drain cleaners a good idea?
Drain cleaners can be extremely toxic. Not only are they potentially dangerous if you have children around your home, but they can also cause your pipes to deteriorate from the inside out, meaning a replacement of your drain line could be looming. If you are still wanting to use a drain cleaner, perhaps search for some friendlier, less harmful concoctions. But for serious clogs, we recommend leaving it to the professionals. See some tips on how to clear a blocked drain HERE
My water is brown and rusty, what is causing it?
When corrosion and rust forms inside the pipes, this is what leads to that brown water coming out of your tap. If water pressure is altered, this can cause the rust to turn loose and come through the tap and can also be due to sediment coming from the hot water unit. There is a layer between the water and metal outer of your hot water unit. If this layer is compromised, as is the quality of your water! This problem is also an indicator that your Hot Water Unit may be heading towards the end of its life.
My shower is taking forever to heat up, what’s the cause?
This is a common problem with many potential causes including
- Distance from shower & Hot Water Unit (HWU)
- Type of HWU
- Age of HWU
- Size of HWU
- Size of pipes to HWU
- Climate/Season
Insulating your pipes has the potential to alleviate this issue, whilst also saving you energy, as the pipes (and water in the pipes) will be kept warmer for longer. Another solution could be to install a circulation pump to assist hot water getting around your property efficiently.
I have a major water leak in my house, what should I do?
This is where it’s important to know your homes plumbing extremely well! The first thing to do is turn off your water supply at the main shut-off valve. This is what we would refer to as an emergency, so the next step is to call your preferred plumber to come give you a hand! Please be cautious; do not touch any wet electrical fittings! You may also need to call an electrician to guide you. See our list of Plumbing Problems you shouldn’t try & fix yourself!
Should I turn off the water supply to my home if I am going away on a long holiday?
To be safe, we say yes! Don’t give your water heater a chance to burst. Don’t even give your pipes the chance to bust! If the water is turned off, you can enjoy your wine in Barcelona, knowing no plumbing issues will arise.
What could be contributing to my high water bill?
Leaks, leaks, LEAKS! Need I say anymore? This could simply be a dripping tap, leaky toilet or more commonly, a leaking pipe. By finding these leaks and stopping them, you could significantly reduce each of your water bills. Here are things to check before calling a plumber in regards to water leaks
When I have a shower and someone uses a tap at the same time, I loose some hot water. Why does this happen?
There are a few reasons this could be occurring. Your main water pipe may be too small meaning the system cannot cope with the amount of hot water being demanded. Or, there could be sediment build up or corrosion at the opening of the Hot Water Unit valve. When there is corrosion, it is common for water temperature to fluctuate. As this problem could be caused by multiple things, it is recommended to recruit a plumber who can make an assessment and then devise a plan that would best suit your home and your water demands.
How much will a Plumbing Job Cost me?
It varies! See our pricing guidelines here!
Have you got any plumbing questions? Let us know!
Got a Plumbing issue that needs to be quoted or resolved? You know who to call 😉