Larger businesses often seem more appealing for many reasons; they’re well known, fancy offices, big pay check and generous benefits. Small businesses sure make up for this with their abundance of career opportunities and chances to enhance your career skills. Small business = Small stage to shine for your employer and show them all your hard efforts and how good you really are!
Here are some more reasons why working in a small business may be best for you!
You can slot into many roles
When working in a small business, there are some tasks that must be done, which don’t overly fall into anyones role specifically. This means everyone rolls up their sleeves and learns how to tackle these new tasks. New tasks means new skills!
You’ll forge closer relationships with your manager
It is easier to forge close relationships and bonds with other employees and leaders. This means you will most likely know, and know well, everyone in your company and if you ever decide to move on (god forbid!) your manager will be able to write a referral that truely represents who you are and what you do!
You can experiment
You will have the freedom to (and will be encouraged to) experiment with new ideas.
You will feel a sense of achievement & ownership
In a small business, little wins are made big, and big wins are made enormous within your team! And in a small business, a lot of things won’t happen unless you make it happen!
There is a relaxed dress code
No need for big fancy suits and high heels! Small businesses generally have a flexible, relaxed dress code.
You will enhance your creative thinking
Small business often comes with a smaller budget. So to achieve your goals, you will have to put your creative hat on and think of how you will best get there. Whether its a marketing goal or a goal to make the workplace more efficient, you are often required to get a bit creative.
You can move up quickly
Small business means smaller team, and therefore less competition for you when it comes to impressing your senior team leaders and earning more responsibilities.
It’s good training if you ever want to start-up your own business
You will see all different sides of the business, the good, bad and the absolute worst of it all! All very helpful if you have dreams of starting your own business!