Fighting Procrastination can be hard. I’m sure everyone has been found procrastinating, at the very least, once in their life!
Procrastination is defined as; the action of delaying or postponing something.
Whether it’s work related, lifestyle related or simply just simple tasks you keep delaying, see these 3 tips to help you get more s#!t done and give procrastination the boot!
Tip 1: The 2 minute Rule.
I loved this one and it is so simple and logical. How many things in our everyday life do we delay, that will take 2 minutes or less? Some examples include sending a quick email, washing the dishes immediately after you eat, putting washing straight in the laundry, asking a quick question, cleaning up clutter, tidying your desk; the list goes on!! Why do we always seem to put these easy tasks off! The take-away is to try and accomplish these types of tasks, in the moment instead of delaying them! This tip comes from David Allen’s best selling book ‘Getting Things Done’. What a perfect place to start in the fight of procrastination.
Tip 2: Planning our Your Day
You know the joy and sense of accomplishment you feel when you screw up a post-it-note or cross something off a to-do list. Why not have that feeling everyday? When you plan out your day every-day, you get to celebrate everyday! And you get to the end of the day & you get to look back on all you accomplished. And speaking from experience, you hate transferring one task from day to day that you keep putting off… It just highlights to you that you are procrastinating and being able to see that with your own eyes, makes you want to FINALLY complete it.
Tip 3: Keep yourself Accountable.
Have you ever noticed when you have someone coming over for dinner, you always seem to rush and clean your house? You don’t put that off, do you? If you are wanting to combat your procrastination, get someone else involved who can keep you accountable for what you ‘say’ your going to do. This will help you to start walking the talk, instead of just talking it. And you can both share in each others wins and accomplishments!
What do we say; I think 3 implementations are a good start!
Anyone else have any good tips? Let us know!